# Boris Mann - a [[person]]. - [[friend]]. - [[coder]] [[founder]] [[cooperativist]] - [[fission]] - [[go]] bmannconsulting.com - [[garden]] https://github.com/bmann/bmcgarden - [[social coop]] https://bmannconsulting.com/blog/2020/10/09/joining-social-coop/ - [[mastodon]] https://social.coop/@bmann - [[federation]] @bmann@social.coop ## [[2021-01-20]] - Greetings! - Usernames - Timezones - [[digital garden]] - [[jekyll]] - Also includes [[microblog]] and other formats - [[20 years]] blogging! - [[rediscovery]] - [[blog]] - [[wiki]] culture (note taking scene) - [[rss]] (links on twiter) - [[annotation]] tools - [[bmann]] use self-hosted one-off blogs instead - [[topic]] [[go links]] - [[markdown]] as a [[lingua franca]] - extension layers (tool specific) - Q: which software are you running in bmannconsulting.com? - [[fission]] - one experiment: not a cloud provider, but a [[constellation provider]] - a [[flattening]]: individual nodes are more capable - [[constellation provider]] [[is like]] [[integration hub]] - one [[username]] per user, but that is just a label on top on lower level abstractions that are flexible - [[decentralization]] is a [[side effect]] - [[goal]] [[increase user agency over their data]] and [[empower developers]] - [[drive.fission.codes]] - [[remotestorage.io]] - [[moa.party]] - We could set a bounty for [[instagram]] support? - uses [[heroku]] - [[goals]], [[values]] and [[biases]] - plus [[resources]] - the [[fediverse]] is failing at: - [[documentation]] - talking about [[norms]] - how to [[run]] a node of any type - [[orbit model]] - if there is [[user owned content]], then that is equivalent to a [[control surface]] - [[note]] [[ugc]] == [[user generated content]] has [[negative connotation]] - [[indie web]] - [[agora protocol]] for [[social discovery]] - [[chicken fingers vs tentacles]] - the [[agora]] is a [[tool for building shared context]] - [[mind merge]] - [[stoa]] is a [[shared context]] with explicit [[goals]], [[values]] and [[biases]]. - a [[data structure]] plus a [[social graph]] that is geared towards [[solving problem]]. - a [[squad]] is a collection of [[people]] with a set of [[skills]] coming together to work on a [[task]] or accomplish a [[goal]].